포장 및 패키지 TSC 테이핑, 포장에 대한 정보.
파일 이름 설명 날짜
TSC Packing information (Device without packing code) TSC default Packing information overview : New Packing policy for Device without packing code.(▶Packing quantity ▶Gross weight) 30/11/20
TSC Packing Information TSC Packing information overview (▶Packing order code ▶Packing quantity ▶Gross weight) 19/10/20
Surface Mount Packing Reel & Embossed Carrier Dimensions 11/11/20
Axial Lead Taping Axial lead taping specifications for rectifiers 23/09/19
Ammo Box Packing Axial product packing information 19/04/18
Soldering process Information on TSC Soldering Process 25/11/20

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